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Learning By Doing....

Reaching the Final Frontier?

By: Nicole Lowry

     When I began the Master’s of Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University in the Summer of 2013 I was asked to create a goal in reference to why I wanted to pursue said degree. A year and a half ago I knew simply that I wanted, through the endorsement that comes with the program completion, to create opportunities for my students through an expanded class selection the teaching certificate endorsement could bring. I work in an environment with a small staff, I am one of three teachers, and so we are only able to teach the four main core subjects required for the students. A majority of electives are outsourced to the main high school or technical campuses affiliated with our district. Completing the MAET program to me created both an outlet to pursue the chance to offer an additional class elective to my students beyond my ELA offerings, and to become a valued resource in relation to technology to students and staff, as we can often feel like we are operating on a distant planet in the district.


     When I started the program the first class I took asked that we create an online presence with a blog that would be used in future classes in the program. Being the nerd that I am, I ran with a space odyssey theme knowing that pursuing the degree would be a “journey” as learner.  I have kept that theme in mind even as I created the portfolio you are reading this on today. As the program draws to a close for myself, I can’t help but think how correct I was in that thinking. Over the course of the program my goal for finishing with the degree has grown. While I want to still create opportunities for my students, the magnitude of what that means has grown so much. I went from simply wanting to create a technology elective of some kind, to now pursuing grants and submitting new course proposals in order to be able to offer an elective class that is truly a Maker Space/Fab Lab for my students.


     I couldn't be more excited and determined to make this goal happen for both my students and the program within which I teach. It will take us from being on the edges of the universe to being even more on the forefront of the goals and missions for our district. Additionally, I have decided to become much more than just a resource for a few, but a leader for hopefully many. I can honestly say this shift and desire to push the goals came from the learning by doing I experienced in the program, and it is this same opportunity I want to create for my students with establishing a maker culture.


Photo Credit:"Alone in Space - Astronomers Find New Kind of Planet"

by NASA/JPL-Caltech - 

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